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Politique de confidentialité


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Wonderlive, Rue du Centre 136
1025 St-Sulpice VD

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Privacy Policy (effective from 19.02.2019)

Dear Customer,

This privacy policy aims to explain what personal data Glabs Communication (hereinafter referred to as “we”) collects about you, for what purposes, and how this data is processed and, if applicable, to whom it is transmitted. It also informs you of your rights under the applicable data protection legislation and how you can exercise these rights.

When you provide us with personal data of other individuals (e.g., family members), please ensure that these individuals are aware of this privacy policy and only provide us with their personal data if you are authorized to do so and if the data is correct.

2. What do we do?

Wonderlive, decentralized social network
Rue du Centre 136
1025 St-Sulpice VD

3.1 What are personal data and what does “data processing” mean?

Data protection applies whenever personal data is processed. When we process data that is not personal, data protection does not apply.

Personal data includes all information about you that allows us to identify you – directly or using other reasonably available sources. For example, we have this type of personal data when we record the following information: name, first name, postal address, email address, date of birth, phone number, or other data about you that you provide to us, particularly in the context of a user account or a request. Information that does not allow us to identify you (e.g., statistics on the number of users of our website), i.e., anonymous data, is not personal data.

Processing includes any form of handling your personal data, especially entry, collection, anonymization, recording, management, use, transmission, or deletion of your personal data.

3.2 What personal data do we process?

We collect all the personal data that you provide to us via our online forms, our applications, or other digital channels. We also collect personal data that you provide to us in other ways in connection with the use of our services (e.g., during correspondence or other communications with you, including by phone or email). Additionally, we collect data transmitted in connection with your use of our websites, applications, and other digital channels, as well as those of affiliated companies and third-party companies.

We particularly collect the following personal data:

  • Basic data (name, address, phone, email address, date of birth, gender, payment method, account information if you have one with us, etc.);
  • Data related to how you use our websites, applications, and other digital channels and services we offer;
  • Data about you that is necessary or useful for processing various services that we receive either directly from you (e.g., information about services for which we provide a price comparison or that we need to obtain an offer, payment data), from our affiliated companies, or from other companies we work with (e.g., an offer concerning you that we transmit to you); in all these cases, it is not public data.

To the extent permitted by law, we also obtain certain data from publicly accessible sources (e.g., press, Internet) or receive this data from our affiliated companies, administrative services, or other third parties. In addition to the data about you that you directly provide to us, the categories of personal data that we receive from third parties about you include in particular information from public registers, information related to your functions and professional activities, information about you mentioned in correspondence and interviews with third parties, information about you that people in your environment (family, advisors, legal representatives, etc.) provide to us to conclude or process contracts with you or involving you (e.g., references, delivery address, proxies), information from insurance companies, our business partners and other contractual partners regarding the use or provision of services by and for you (e.g., payments or purchases made), information about you from the media and the Internet (to the extent appropriate to the specific case, e.g., in the context of an application, press review, marketing/sales measures, etc.), your addresses and, if applicable, your interests and other socio-demographic data (for marketing measures), and data related to website usage (e.g., IP address, device information and settings, cookies, date and time of visit, pages and content viewed, functions used, linked sites, location information).

These data may be combined, even if they concern multiple visits and different contacts, for example, if a username, email address, or device identification allows us to recognize you.

3.3 Why are the data processed and on what legal basis?

We primarily use the personal data we collect to enable you to use our services and to process related contracts with you, but also to enable you to use our websites, applications, and other digital channels within our legitimate interest in providing an attractive offer and to fulfill our legal obligations, in Switzerland and abroad. Other individuals about whom you provide us with personal data are obviously also concerned.

For example, when you request a comparative offer for an insurance service, we collect your personal data via online forms or applications. We process this data in particular to respond to your request and to execute it (e.g., to transmit requests to the insurance companies you have chosen, or to providers and their brokers) as well as to administer and manage the customer relationship established with you (e.g., in case of address changes).

Furthermore, we process your personal data, as well as that of other individuals, within the limits permitted by law and to the extent we find appropriate, and also for the following purposes for which we (and sometimes third parties) have a legitimate interest in line with these same purposes:

  • Offering and developing our offers, services, websites, applications, and other platforms where we are present;
  • Communicating with third parties and processing their requests (e.g., applications, media requests);
  • Monitoring and optimizing needs analysis procedures for direct customer approaches and collecting personal data from publicly accessible sources for business prospecting purposes;
  • Conducting advertising and marketing activities (including organizing events) as long as you have not objected to the use of your data (when we send you advertising as a customer, you can object at any time; we will then include you on a blocking list to stop further advertising);
  • Conducting market research and opinion polls, media monitoring;
  • Preventing and investigating criminal offenses and other reprehensible behavior (e.g., conducting internal investigations or data analysis to combat fraud);
  • Ensuring our operations, particularly regarding IT, our websites, applications, and other platforms;
  • Conducting surveillance operations to ensure domicile rights and taking other measures related to IT, building, and facility security, as well as protecting our employees or other persons and assets that belong to us or have been entrusted to us (such as access controls, visitor lists, network and mail scanners, telephone recordings);
  • Purchasing and selling business areas, companies, or company shares as well as other transactions related to corporate law, and in this context, transmitting personal data;
  • Taking measures to manage business operations and measures to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations as well as our internal regulations.

When you have consented to the processing of your personal data for specific purposes (e.g., subscribing to newsletters), we process your personal data within the scope and based on this consent, as long as we have no other legal basis and are required to have such a basis. A given consent can be revoked at any time, without affecting the data processing already carried out.

3.4 Direct marketing and profiling

If you have consented to our use of your email address or other electronic communication means for advertising purposes, we or our affiliated companies will regularly send you newsletters and other promotional information through the relevant channels to inform you about other offers and services. If you subscribe, we may also use your personal data, including how you use our websites, applications, and other digital channels, to personalize our advertising measures. Profiling is also carried out in the context of product development and the optimization of our offer. This measure is carried out within our legitimate interest to improve the effectiveness of direct marketing, provided we do not specifically ask you to consent to this.

As long as you are registered with our services or have created an account, or are one of our customers, we may then send you information about our current topics to your email address and through other electronic communication means, without requiring separate consent.

You can object at any time to the sending of such newsletters and promotional communications as well as any processing, for this purpose, of your email address and other electronic communication means in the concerned newsletter: to unsubscribe, you can click on the link at the end of the newsletter or follow the instructions given at the end of the communication.

If you do not want this promotional communication to be personalized, you can also object at any time (see section 6).

3.5 Transmission of personal data to third parties and abroad

As part of our business activities and for the purposes stated in section 3.3, we also communicate personal data to third parties, within the limits permitted by law and to the extent we find appropriate, either because they process it for us or because they wish to use it for their own purposes. These entities include:

  • Service providers mandated by us, including external agents (e.g., IT suppliers);
  • Subcontractors and other business partners;
  • Providers (e.g., insurance companies, banks, commercial companies);
  • Other companies, which may process it for the purposes indicated in section 3.3 or for their own purposes (according to their specific privacy policy);

These entities are collectively referred to as “recipients.” Some of these recipients are located in Switzerland, but some may be anywhere else in the world. You should particularly expect your data to be transmitted to other European countries and the United States, where we have providers (e.g., Microsoft). When we transmit data to a country that does not have appropriate data protection legislation, we ensure, in accordance with